Naked David Sedaris 9780316777735 Books

Naked David Sedaris 9780316777735 Books
As always with a new book by David Sedaris, I can hardly wait to get it and I am never disappointed. Naked is wonderful. I always feel as if Mr. Sedaris (who I think of as David because I feel like I've known him all my life) can see straight into my brain and give me the gift of hours of pleasure knowing there is someone as wacky and obsessed with the funny bits of life as I am. I would recommend this book to anyone with a good sense of humor and a desire to see the both the frailty and grandness of the human condition. Definitely another laugh-out-loud journey through David's fabulous mind.
Tags : Naked [David Sedaris] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Welcome to the hilarious, strange, elegiac, outrageous world of David Sedaris. In Naked, Sedaris turns the mania for memoir on its ear,David Sedaris,Naked,Back Bay Books,0316777730,Form - Essays,General,Humorists, American - 20th century,Humorists, American;20th century;Biography.,Humorists;Biography.,Sedaris, David,United States - Social life and customs - 20th century - Humor,United States;Social life and customs;20th century;Humor.,20th century,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY General,Biography,Biography & Autobiography,Biography & AutobiographyGeneral,BiographyAutobiography,Dysfunctional families; Childhood memories; Gay men; Brothers and sisters; College students; Friendship; Hitchhiking,General Adult,HUMOR Form Essays,Humor,Humorists, American,Humour,Non-Fiction,Other prose: from c 1900 -,Social life and customs,United States
Naked David Sedaris 9780316777735 Books Reviews
The leader of our Writer's Intensive used this book as the main format on descriptive content. I found it a perfect choice, as Sedaris' ability to bring the writer into his world was remarkable. He never left out a detail, at the same time he did not over expand either. His stories were raw, offensive and real. This is the stuff the world hides from and will die before admitting. Sedaris brings out the politically incorrect in all of us and explodes it in the streets. If you feel isolated on this planet; if you feel nobody could have come from a messed up family as yours, read this book. It really serves to bring humanity closer together in the most uncanny and humorous way. He is funny! One of the best books/memoirs I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Absolutely amazing.
Naked had been sitting on my shelf for at least a year before I decided to read it. I have a bad habit of not reading books after I buy them, so this should come as no surprise.
As a memoir, Naked is an unbelievably good collection of autobiographical essays. As you make your way through Naked, you just find yourself in disbelief at Sedaris' dysfunctional family. Everyone out there claims to have some sort of dysfunctional family, but Sedaris' truly takes the cake. From the authors childhood filled with his nervous tics and OCD habits to his teachers visiting his home while being offered alcoholic beverages while watching his mother make mock impersonations of her son. It makes you really feel for the author. The best part of Naked by far is the Ya-Ya, Sedaris' grandmother. It makes me wish I had at least one grandmother just like her growing up. If you don't find yourself laughing out loud at least once, you don't have a sense of humor ). Then the authors tales as a long-time hitchhiker while doing a wide variety of manual labor jobs give readers like myself hope that haven't quite figured out who they are or what they want to do in life. On a personal level, these tales were really what I liked the most about Sedaris. The fact that he's come out of all of the hell and many years of uncertainty/wandering to become a successful author and playwright is truly inspiring. It just goes to show you anything is possible, even if it takes until much later in life to figure it out.
My gripe with Naked comes as a "side-splitting" and "hilariously entertaining" memoir. For me, the humor started to die around the time Sedaris goes away to camp for a month. From that point on, the novel's comedic aspect drops off significantly. Granted, the novel definitely takes on a darker tone up until the last few chapters, but it was my expectation that it'd be funny for more than just half the book. In that regard, the reviews and descriptions of the book disappointed me.
Overall, it's definitely a worthwhile read for anyone who wants to be genuinely captivated by another persons trials and tribulations as well as how they overcame them. Just don't expect to be a comedy from start to finish. I wouldn't quite give it 4 stars, but more along the lines of 3.5 stars. As it's been out for about 14 years now, Naked is certainly a bargain for the price. So if you end up not liking it as much as you thought, it won't have burned a large hole in your wallet. )
-Travis S.
Not that our hero was diagnosed as autistic as a child. Sure, he licked light switches, observed strange daily rituals, and was OCD to the max. But back in the carefree 50's and 60's, people knew very little about childhood disabilities and (for the most part) cared even less.
A kid who behaved in socially inappropriate ways was "weird." Unless his parents or teachers could beat the weirdness of him, he STAYED weird. And thus little David Sedaris continued to mystify and irritate the adults around him right up until he went off to college. Then he discovered the miracle of illegal drugs and, from that point on, no explanation for his weirdness was needed. Praise Jesus! It's a miracle!
I discovered Sedaris two years ago and went through his books like shot through a goose. At first they seem like a confusing series of unrelated stories, which they ARE. But there's some method to the madness, although the madness always outweighs the method.
It helps if you realize that his life divides into three sections his childhood with his solidly middle-class, but horrifyingly dysfunctional family; his time as a rebellious and notably unsuccessful young man, alternating between unhappy stints at various colleges and stretches of menial jobs and close contact with people most of us would run miles to avoid; and finally his life as a writer and partner to the reassuringly normal Hugh.
So there's an over-all chronological order, although he never makes any attempt to knit his stories into a coherent whole. That's YOUR job, reader. So roll up your sleeves and start reading.
With two wildly mismatched parents and a cast of strange siblings, he was doomed from birth to either end up in a mental hospital or with some REALLY great material. Actually, he's been in a mental hospital, but as a teen-aged volunteer for two summers. What kid wants to spend his summers exploring the nuances of insanity? David Sedaris, that's who.
What's my favorite? Tough to say. LOVED the saga of his teen-aged sister bringing home the raddled, but charmingly naive prostitute for Christmas. Know-it-all pater familias Lou Sedaris was determined for his offspring to start earning their keep at an early age. Nothing like the value of hard work and you meet such nice people employed at a cafeteria that hires parolees.
These stories are sometimes horrifying and sometimes sad and frequently hilarious. Many of them are all three at the same time, much like life. If you're easily offended or have a cardiac condition that puts you at risk, better skip them. Otherwise, fasten your seat belt and enjoy.
As always with a new book by David Sedaris, I can hardly wait to get it and I am never disappointed. Naked is wonderful. I always feel as if Mr. Sedaris (who I think of as David because I feel like I've known him all my life) can see straight into my brain and give me the gift of hours of pleasure knowing there is someone as wacky and obsessed with the funny bits of life as I am. I would recommend this book to anyone with a good sense of humor and a desire to see the both the frailty and grandness of the human condition. Definitely another laugh-out-loud journey through David's fabulous mind.

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