Sojourner Maria Rachel Hooley Justine Oglehed 9781448681259 Books

Sojourner Maria Rachel Hooley Justine Oglehed 9781448681259 Books
On my first attempt at reading this, I read the first page 10 times. I put it away and came back later thinking I was just tired or something. Then I got all the way to Chapter 3, before I wanted to throw the book (unfortunately it was an e-book, so that wasn't happening). Anyway, third time's a charm right? No... I only made it to Chapter 15 this time before I just called it DONE.What I liked: Somewhere in all that mess was a possibly interesting story. If characters were developed better, they could have been good too. What I liked about this book could be summed up in one word - Potential. I liked it's potential. Oh, and the beautiful book cover.
What I didn't like:
The writing style was not to my liking at all. It was first person, present tense, and very choppy. It felt like something a grade school (maybe middle school) kid should be reading, even though it was clearly meant for an older (high school level) audience.
An example from the book on writing style...
From the end of Chapter 2: "My feet hit a patch of ice. I try to regain my balance. Then I fall toward the side as open as the sky. I reach for some part of the rail and grasp air."
WARNING there are some SPOILERS in the examples below about how this book is like the books, Twilight and Fallen.
When I went to write this review I checked to see what others thought of the book (since there were so many 4 and 5 star reviews I was intrigued). I read a few reviews harping about similarities to Twilight. While there were some (accident prone, loner, emo, teen girl moves to small town, new high school, and the boys adore her. Tragically handsome loner dude won't give any girl in school the time of day until emo girl moves in - then they are suddenly madly in love with one another). I found startling similarities to Lauren Kate's Fallen Series too. Let's see... "In each one [of the girl's previous lives] you die at the same age under similar circumstances" The angel dude (Lev) watches her(Lizzie) die in her previous reincarnations... Um, yeah, no, that doesn't sound like Fallen at all (yes, that's sarcasm)... Nor does the part where the angel dude wants to tell her about being an angel, but he has to let her figure it out on her own... OMG - that's like the basis for the plot of Fallen.
Other things that bugged me were the way the story bounced around, like the author forgot what the characters were doing two minutes ago (standing at a locker) and now suddenly they're eating salad in the cafeteria. There was little to no transitioning in MANY of the scenes. Characters just magically appeared where ever...
The inconsistencies were also annoying. This angel has watched the girl die for 6 life times, stood by and did nothing about it. Yet, he has the nerve to tell her (when he's flying her around and she asks him to slow down) "I've never lost a mortal yet, and I don't plan on starting with you." BUT - NO!!! He's supposed to be some sort of angel of death, their to usher souls along... he's let her die - 6 TIMES... of course he's lost a mortal before. SIGH
I don't recommend it at all.

Tags : Sojourner [Maria Rachel Hooley, Justine Oglehed] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Seventeen-year-old Elizabeth Moon has been dreaming of her murder her entire life, and in those dreams,Maria Rachel Hooley, Justine Oglehed,Sojourner,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1448681251,Fiction Fantasy Contemporary
Sojourner Maria Rachel Hooley Justine Oglehed 9781448681259 Books Reviews
Some books are so bad you hate them but at least you remember them. This book is worse. It is so boring you forget it as soon as you've read it. I only made it half way through before I gave up. I didn't care what happened to the heroines (what was her name?) or the angel or the arrogant guy. They all had the personalities of stick figures. That brings me to the writing . . . I find it hard to believe this author has written over 20 books because this book is so poorly written. And, as many have pointed out, the similarities to Twilight are shocking, but it is not nearly as engaging. I'll say it again --boring. I'm even growing bored reviewing this book.
This review covers the full series. First, the stuff I thought was good. I liked the opening premise and the story line. I liked the characters and found myself engaged in their thoughts and actions -- rooting for them to believe the right people and make the right choices. I thought the settings were well written. I was reading a section of the book that included a rain storm and looked up, surprised to find that it wasn't raining at my house. Don't laugh at that, please. Now for the stuff I didn't think was so good. I agree there were personality traits that felt derivative. It was jarring when Lizzie or Lev (even Jimmy) would do something that made me think of Bella, Edward or Charlie. Also, the proofreading was bad. Really bad. There is one sentence that reads, "I have done everything I can in accordance with a won't my own," which I can only guess should read "a will not my own". Really?? There are mistakes that a simple spell/grammar check would have caught and others that wouldn't have made it past a once-through by a human reader. So, final verdict? I read the whole series because I wanted to know how the story would end, but I won't re-read it.
Sojourner was an interesting read. It was alright, but not amazing. It was like a lot of books I have read recently so...maybe if I had read it first I would have liked it more.
The book starts off with Elizabeth and her uncle moving back to his home town, where her mom and dad grew up. I am not sure why exactly they moved back. The uncle hates hates hates it there, and is super worried something will happen to Elizabeth since she is half Native American. Yes they need to sell the house or something, but you couldn't have done that without moving back? If it is such a horrible place you think they could have figured something else out.
Elizabeth herself is kind of stupid. On her first day at the new school she opens her locker to find someone painted half-breed in it. She just blows it off like it has to be some kind of joke. Um...okay. Then when more things happen she keeps thinking oh it is just someone playing a joke. Sure. Someone vandalized your house with horrible things and it is all some big joke.
Then she meets two new boys on day one, Griffin and Lev. Griffin is the popular guy everyone wants to be with, but Lizzie is just like stay away from me. She doesn't like him, but he doesn't give up easily. Lev, on the other hand, stay away from her, but she wants to get to know him. He is the one who has been in her dreams watching her die. So she starts to get closer to Lev and then freaks out on him like why are you in my dreams?!?! How can you be such a horrible person in my dreams, but super nice in real life?!?! Which one is real?!?! Um...real life Lev? I mean you do find out what the dreams are all about, and when you do Elizabeth freaks out on Lev and makes him feel like crap which is just ridiculous. It is like she has never made a mistake ever in her life. It is like calm it down and listen to what he is saying! Geez. She was kind of annoying. Plus she can't seem to not fall into the river, which is just odd. Somehow she gets knocked from behind and that flings her over the railing? Okay. Just go with everything.
Eventually Lev and Elizabeth work things out, but Lev is super worried someone is going to try and kill her. So what does she do? Go off by herself! Of course, I mean nothing can happen in a parking lot or in a public place! No one ever gets kidnapped or anything from public places. She is a smart one, but really I was wondering why Lev wasn't following her anyways. If I were him and were really that worried about her I would not let her out of my sight, even if she didn't want me there. Or stay in the shadows of something. It was just lame. The whole ending was a let down and when you find out who is doing all of this stuff to Elizabeth and why it was just like really? That was the best you could do? Okay. I shouldn't have expected a good explanation...overall a frustrating book, though it started off interesting.
This review was originally posted to [...]
On my first attempt at reading this, I read the first page 10 times. I put it away and came back later thinking I was just tired or something. Then I got all the way to Chapter 3, before I wanted to throw the book (unfortunately it was an e-book, so that wasn't happening). Anyway, third time's a charm right? No... I only made it to Chapter 15 this time before I just called it DONE.
What I liked Somewhere in all that mess was a possibly interesting story. If characters were developed better, they could have been good too. What I liked about this book could be summed up in one word - Potential. I liked it's potential. Oh, and the beautiful book cover.
What I didn't like
The writing style was not to my liking at all. It was first person, present tense, and very choppy. It felt like something a grade school (maybe middle school) kid should be reading, even though it was clearly meant for an older (high school level) audience.
An example from the book on writing style...
From the end of Chapter 2 "My feet hit a patch of ice. I try to regain my balance. Then I fall toward the side as open as the sky. I reach for some part of the rail and grasp air."
WARNING there are some SPOILERS in the examples below about how this book is like the books, Twilight and Fallen.
When I went to write this review I checked to see what others thought of the book (since there were so many 4 and 5 star reviews I was intrigued). I read a few reviews harping about similarities to Twilight. While there were some (accident prone, loner, emo, teen girl moves to small town, new high school, and the boys adore her. Tragically handsome loner dude won't give any girl in school the time of day until emo girl moves in - then they are suddenly madly in love with one another). I found startling similarities to Lauren Kate's Fallen Series too. Let's see... "In each one [of the girl's previous lives] you die at the same age under similar circumstances" The angel dude (Lev) watches her(Lizzie) die in her previous reincarnations... Um, yeah, no, that doesn't sound like Fallen at all (yes, that's sarcasm)... Nor does the part where the angel dude wants to tell her about being an angel, but he has to let her figure it out on her own... OMG - that's like the basis for the plot of Fallen.
Other things that bugged me were the way the story bounced around, like the author forgot what the characters were doing two minutes ago (standing at a locker) and now suddenly they're eating salad in the cafeteria. There was little to no transitioning in MANY of the scenes. Characters just magically appeared where ever...
The inconsistencies were also annoying. This angel has watched the girl die for 6 life times, stood by and did nothing about it. Yet, he has the nerve to tell her (when he's flying her around and she asks him to slow down) "I've never lost a mortal yet, and I don't plan on starting with you." BUT - NO!!! He's supposed to be some sort of angel of death, their to usher souls along... he's let her die - 6 TIMES... of course he's lost a mortal before. SIGH
I don't recommend it at all.

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